Sunday, November 15, 2009

Make Reflection A Daily Affair

The old wise saying [不怕念起,只怕觉迟], literally translated, the phrase tells us as living beings tumbling in samsara, we are bound to have thoughts, whether wholesome or not. The key does not lie in controlling these thoughts, as the mind is like a monkey, swinging from tree to tree. The essence is to be aware and mindful when these thoughts arise and reflect upon them. This applies to our actions and speech as well, as karma is heaping along the way when we commit them.

One of my friends who left his job to start a company more than a year back confessed that his engagement in businesses for pure commercial gains has 'helped' him grew "devil horns" on his head. He started to reflect on the cause of his restlessness and unhappiness and realised that his suffering stemmed from one of the three poisons, Greed. He then made a wise decision to leave the partnership to pursue for a more wholesome career that focuses on integrity as an essential core value. I sensed that he is a happier person now.

Reflection is a powerful yet simple way that helps us to improve our relationships with our family, colleagues, friends and even with ourselves. Importantly, we must be true to ourselves.