Thursday, October 2, 2008

Meeting of the minds

After many years, Ian and I finally met up yesterday in Singapore where he transitted on his return to Jakarta. I saw a very different person from the man I knew 7 years ago, from his thinking to his aspiration towards life and buddhahood.

One thing that touched me was when Ian spoke of his dreadful experience of witnessing live chickens being slaughtered and how he had chanted for their relief from suffering and having good rebirths, his eyes were beaming with tears of compassion. Deep within his heart, he wanted to break free from the life of causing this suffering but he has to live his fate of serving his parents and their family restaurant business. As the only son, it would be unfillial to leave his parents and abandon the business leaving his old folks to fend for their living.

The path to end of suffering is indeed filled with obstacles, however I believe with his determination to get through these difficulties, he would see the light at the end of the tunnel eventually. Good luck, Ian!