Friday, March 6, 2009

Wanting Something So Badly For So Long, You'll Get It Eventually

Today, I felt overjoyed that after 14 years I finally got in touch with Eric Chia. The person whom introduced me to Buddhism. I feel that I can never repay for his kindness and generosity for sharing Buddhist teachings with me. His merits are limitless.

When he called me earlier today, I felt like jumping to him and hug him tightly. The first few words we exchanged were... "How are you, I have been thinking about you every now and then". I felt so warm inside.

Funny how when we think of someone that person will feel it and think of us back. When the two persons think of each other all the time, they will eventually meet, no matter how far they are apart. Therefore we must always think of Amitabha Buddha, as he is also constantly thinking of us, so when this life comes to and end we will definitely see Him coming with his retinue of Boddhisatvas to welcome us to Sukhavati heaven.

Then me and Eric talked about how we progress in our own daily Buddhist practice. He told me that he has been meditating regularly and has reached a significant advancement in his meditative study. So his goal is to become an arhat.

I remember discussing with him 15 years ago in Aberdeen Scotland, how we wanted to become monks. So I asked him if he is still on the course. Then he told me that just recently he made an announcement to all his friends and relatives that 15 years from now when his children are able to support themselves, he will leave home to become a monk somewhere near Penang Malaysia.

Upon hearing this good news, I felt happy for him, yet sad for myself. I envy him for having such a supportive family and such light karma that he will be able to fulfill his lifelong dream. As for me... I believe my karma is heavier that even the idea of becoming a monk is always promptly rejected by my parents and wive.

Well... do not despair I told myself, keep practicing the path and perform more good deeds. One day the time will come, hopefully not long after Eric's time.

Once again thank you Eric!



  1. Hi Yin,
    Nice to meet you! Everything is impermanent including separation, after separation one day will meet again but again it will separate. So sad or happiness is arising at that moment, mindfulness on the raising and falling of sadness and happiness. That is the true nature that we need to note without controlling it, by doing that only peace will come…As we discuss practicing is the key!!!! Discuss, read, thought without practicing will end up still Talk, Read and thought…. Wisdom gains from our self practicing in every moment...May you be happy, may you be peace and may you attain to Sukhavati heaven in a shortest time as possible….

  2. wow....good for ur friend~
    and "Therefore we must always think of Amitabha Buddha, as he is also constantly thinking of us, so when this life comes to and end we will definitely see Him coming with his retinue of Boddhisatvas to welcome us to Sukhavati heaven."
    such wise words~ thank you!
